Begin by selecting a menu item for your event by clicking on one of the various menu theme navigation options located on the catering homepage.
Once an item has been ordered, you will be brought to the confirmation screen, which will provide you with a detailed description of your order.
If you need to adjust the number of items ordered, you can alter the quantity; but you must click on "Recalculate" for the changes to take effect.
If you need to add additional items to your order, simply click on "<< Add More". Otherwise, click “Cart all set? Click here!".
All customers must login to continue the ordering process. Returning customers can login immediately by entering their last name and password.
However, first-time customers need to create an account.
Once you have logged in successfully, you must select the date of your event by selecting a date on the calendar.
If there are no conflicts with the date you have selected, you will see the "That's a great day for a catered event!" message appear at the top of the screen.
Now you must enter the required information to identify the location of your event. After selecting the delivery method, fill in the required information When you are finished, click on the "Everything looking good? Click here!" button at the bottom of the page.
Your invoice will be displayed so that you can review your order one last time.
When you are finished, click on the "Almost there -- Click to finish!" button at the bottom of the page.
You're almost finished! All you need to do is select a payment method and enter the required information on the form that appears.
When you have finished, click on "Here we go!" and your order is complete!